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您好~-iN- korea 服飾~誠徵門市人員 ◆公司名稱 :iN 韓系少女服飾店 ◆工作職缺 :正職 ◆工作內容 : 服飾銷售 ◆徵求條件 : 活潑外向 負責任 大方自信 有相關經驗佳 ◆工作地點 : 通化街夜市 ◆工作時間 : 16:00-01:00 ◆薪資範圍 :正職 26000元/月+獎金 ◆薪資發放日 :每月5日 ◆聯絡方式 :0938356326 梁小姐 (14:00-24:00電洽) *請自備履歷或影印518履歷 謝謝~~~ 我們店iN~是一個溫馨的小家庭 需要一位 盡心盡力 上班穩定 肯學習的您來加入~ ~給同伴最好的上班空間是本店的優良習俗~ ~能溝通.能體諒每位辛苦上班的同伴,一定給您最開心的環境~^^*
公司簡介 COMPANY MANUAI 珍好饌食品對於餐飲的投入及專業已有27年之久,秉持著這些年對顧客需求及喜好的認知,以餐廳精緻細膩的手法,做出道地台灣味的XO好伴為珍好饌食品的主要商品,也因台灣本地給予極大的肯定繼而秉持著把愛傳出去的精神,積極規劃海外行銷的方式及通路,希望讓大家都能享受到本公司XO好伴的美味。 Shin-Tong-Wang Co., Ltd. with good reputation in the cuisine industry has provided seafood and local delicacies in Taiwan for more than 27 years, Exquisite methods have been developing many delicacies , such as an acceptable an XO sauce with Taiwanese taste , acting as main products. Due to great support by the local customers, Shin-Tong-Wang Co now continues dedicating to arranging overseas channels. Based on the spirit of the dissemination of love held by Shin-Tong-Wang , we disseminate such delicacies to everyone/everywhere that may also allow the public to enjoy the delicacy, XO sauce of
1994 Amotech was founded in Korea 1995 Established “Kimpo” factory in Korea 1996 Selected as a “Bright future company” by Ministry of IC department 1998 Established “Incheon” factory in Korea 2000 Acquired ISO9000 2002 “Korea Technology Best Fast 50” by National Credit Evaluation 2003 Selected as a “National Research Laboratory” by Ministry of Science 2003 Established Sandong Amotech China factory 2003 IPO on KOSDAQ 2004 Acquired TS16949 Certification 2005 Technology 500 Asia Pacific Award by Deloitte, Acquired ISO14001 2006 Registered Independent Sales office in Shanghai, China California USA 2007 Established Qingdao Factory in China 2008 Established Chunan Pyungtaek Factory in Korea
凡甲科技股份有限公司 創立於民國 八十七 年,主要從事電子連接器設計生產;目前擁有為數不少的客戶群。   本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『彈性、速度、品質、創新』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。   主要產品為筆記型電腦連接器專業設計製造,台北OFFICE成員約90名,大陸東莞廠成員1300名,上海廠400名 ,主要客戶群:廣達、仁寶、大眾、神基、華宇、精英、藍天、智邦、倫飛、華碩等上市公司。主要服務項目為:筆記型電腦連接器專業設計製造、 網路線用連接器 、硬碟用連接器。 Alltop Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in electrical connector design and manufacture. With headquarter based in Taiwan and two factories in Dongguan and Suzhou province in China, Alltop is able to provide a full assortment of top-quality electrical connectors to customers worldwide. Product line includes: connector for Notebook PC, Medical devices, Industrial facilities and Communication equipments. With over 10 years of experience in connector design/manufacture, Alltop has built a good reputation in the industry V flexible lead time, reliable quality, and fast speed in responding to customer inquiries. Stock-listed company in Taiwan (ticker: 3526) with certification: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, UL, and RoHS.
外商公司在台成立辦公室作進出口業務進出口業務貿易公司 世貿上班 good skill in english and personal relationship good ability
左岸.風尚 義大利麵專賣 2005年成立於嘉義 我們抱持著美食配佳飲,這就是左岸‧風尚發自內心給顧客的第一次親密接觸, 杯內的啤酒還湧著氣泡,叉子上捲著義大利麵,上拋圓滑的麵條, 像甩出魚線般的柔和,「嚴選食材,美味現做,新鮮料理,輕鬆享受」, 義式料理能平價享受,更是店長的座右銘,希望每個人, 都可以無負擔的享受國外美食,並在左岸‧風尚店內,環抱有如在家用餐似的溫暖。 Left Bank Fashion(LBF)- Pasta expert Good Food, Good Friends, and Good Wine. Serving Our Loyal Customers Since 2005 “In the heart of Left Bank Fashion romantic, indoor garden dining, you can enjoy the best Italian food”. In our restaurant, you can also drink fresh beer, delicious noodles and other cuisines. The chief believes “Take it easy, eat wonderful pasta with good ingredients in Chiayi city”. Therefore, you will understand why LBF is popular and open, with an almost communal atmosphere that brings up images of a friendly dining room full of life and the fragrances of fine Italian cooking. LBF Cooks From The Heart of Italy.
JIING-DUEN ENT. CO., LTD. Hereby, we are pleased to present ourselves as an OEM Lighting Fixture Manufacturer in Taiwan with 100% exports, since 1990 . Jiing-Duen is specialized in coordination with overseas Customers and our Subcontract factory teams (over 150 makers) to develop Mouldings-Samples-Products in the field of Lightings –indoor & outdoor. Over 17 years expertise,Jiing-Duen is hornored to be a key OEM supplier member of the main European lighting brands; with our Core Competition Capability of: .Customer Design Solutions .Fixture and Parts Assembly .Fast and Efficient Prototype .Punctual Lead Time .Full-Service Manufacturing .Strict-Processing Quality Control In April 2008, we are expanding our production capacity and moving to new building of 2930 sq.meters to offer customers better and full-sided service. We want to be playing a good role in OEM Field and supporting the world-wide Customers in stable/reliable quality products and services. History: 1990 – Jiing-Duen founded 1991 – received 1st OEM order of Lightings & 1st factory expanding. 1994 – 2nd factory expanding 1999 – 3rd factory expanding 2008 – 4th factory expanding
總淼企業股份有限公司創立於民國78年,主要從事汽車五金工具製造業。 NaKo Tools Hardware Corporation was established in 1989. After these years, we earn a good reputation in the hardward industry.
Doosan is building a brighter and happier future for people with its power plant technology implemented in Sipat, India, Tennessee, USA, Shuaibah, Saudi Arabia, Ras Laffan, Qatar, and Qinshan, China. Doosan has so far built over 300 nuclear, thermal, combined cycle and hydro power plants. Doosan is currently building more than 60 power plants in Korea, USA, India, China and other countries. Doosan is fast becoming an EPC contractor as a result of continuous investments and R&D, while also developing wind power systems, fuel cells and environmentally friendly next-generation energy. Doosan is one of the few companies in the world that has proprietary technologies for all the three desalination methods (which are MSF, MED and RO) and water/wastewater treatment. Doosan is currently the best in the field of MSF (Multi Stage Flash) desalination with a global market share of over 40%. Doosan is the one that built the world’s largest Shuaibah Desalination Plant Phase 3 with a daily desalination capacity of 880,000 tons in Saudi Arabia as well as the world’s first hybrid desalination plant combined with both MSF and RO systems in Fujairah, UAE. As a total water solution provider, Doosan is creating value for the world. Doosan also supplies casting and forging products, which are the basic materials for power and desalination plants. Doosan is one of the best companies in the world in SOC projects such as road, port, airport and subway construction as well as in the construction of industrial plants. Doosan will strive to become the ‘Global Leader In Power & Water’ through continuous corporate restructuring, marketing expansion, technology R&D and development of new growth engines. 本公司韓商斗山重企業股份有限公司,目前在高雄縣永安鄉興達發電廠承攬”興達一、二號機鍋爐性能改善及增設選擇性觸媒還原設備工程計畫”之建造工程。急需專業人士一同參與。
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